TikTok is a popular social media platform where users can create and share short videos, often featuring music, dance, comedy, and fashion. TikTok has also become a source of inspiration and influence for many fashion trends, some of which are creative, fun, and original, while others are questionable, overrated, or even problematic. Here are some of the TikTok fashion trends that I think should be stopped or at least reconsidered:
Blokecore: This trend involves wearing sports jerseys, especially soccer ones, with jeans, sneakers, and accessories. It is supposed to be a British football-inspired look, but it has been accused of being cultural appropriation by some Latinx and Black people who have been wearing sports jerseys as a way of expressing their identity and culture for decades.
Low-rise jeans: These jeans are pants that sit low on the hips, exposing the belly button and sometimes the underwear. They were popular in the early 2000s and have made a comeback on TikTok recently. However, they are not very practical or flattering for most people. Low-rise jeans can cause muffin tops, camel toes, plumber’s cracks, and wardrobe malfunctions.
E-girl/boy: This trend is a subculture that originated on TikTok and involves a mix of emo, goth, punk, anime, and kawaii influences. It is characterized by colorful hair, heavy makeup, piercings, tattoos, chains, plaid skirts, crop tops, graphic tees, and platform shoes. While this trend can be seen as a form of self-expression and creativity, it can also be problematic for several reasons. First, it can be seen as appropriating and fetishizing Asian culture, especially Japanese culture3. Second, it can be seen as trivializing and glamorizing mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and self-harm3. Third, it can be seen as reinforcing gender stereotypes and sexualizing young people.
These are just some of the TikTok fashion trends that I think should be stopped or at least reconsidered. Of course, everyone has their own taste and preference when it comes to fashion, and I respect that. However, I also think that fashion should be more than just following trends blindly. It should be about expressing yourself authentically, comfortably, and respectfully. What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with me? Let me know in the comments below.